Wednesday 4 January 2012

About Myself and Why I am Interested in Graphic Design-
I have been enthusiastic about drawing and using my imagination since I can remember. This has allowed me to express myself and to be creative in a way that fulfils me with a high sense of achievement. I would take pleasure in all aspects of a Graphic Design course from the research, and producing pieces of innovating and thoughtful work to the opportunity to have a work placement. This would be a window into working in the design industry of the real world. My subjects are all based on communicating a message whether that is through language, text style or the arts design. I recognise the importance of this as I want to work with companies in the future to create the right message that their brand wants to portray. From studying Graphic Design at university I hope to progress my skills on computer software and by hand and learn new techniques to develop my personal style further.

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