Wednesday 4 January 2012

About Myself and Why I am Interested in Graphic Design-
I have been enthusiastic about drawing and using my imagination since I can remember. This has allowed me to express myself and to be creative in a way that fulfils me with a high sense of achievement. I would take pleasure in all aspects of a Graphic Design course from the research, and producing pieces of innovating and thoughtful work to the opportunity to have a work placement. This would be a window into working in the design industry of the real world. My subjects are all based on communicating a message whether that is through language, text style or the arts design. I recognise the importance of this as I want to work with companies in the future to create the right message that their brand wants to portray. From studying Graphic Design at university I hope to progress my skills on computer software and by hand and learn new techniques to develop my personal style further.

Art and Design- 'Save the Words'

I am making graphic advertising products for a antique shop called 'Perantique Antique' and this is a poster idea inspired by victorian design with a contemporary twist. I hand drew the design using fine liner and scanned it into the computer where I edited it using Photoshop. From the printed version of this I added the victorian details with biro.

Art and Design- 'Save the Words'

For this project we had to select a word that was no longer used and I chose 'peranantique' meaning old and ancient. This is a collage in the style of Monica Riffe as she uses recycled papers and found objects. I tea-stained areas and this adds a warmth of golden tones, cute items such as minature pegs and buttons look quaint. It could be improved by structuring the layout more and adding a frame.
I experimented with the un-usual viewpoint of a tea cup by painting in acrylic from birds eye view and adding biro. The shape of this was then repeated by layering the spoons and saucer around, this contrasted with the shaded centre as these remain white and transparent.

Art and Design- 'Unusual Viewpoints'

This is my final piece for the 'Unusual Viewpoints' project and I used a combination of biro, pencil and paint. The strange concept of fishing inside a swirling sea filled tea-cup works well with the un-usual viewpoint as it plays with proportions and reality. The orignial idea was to have a spiralling staircase within the cup but it had too much detail to fit in, the whirl-pool water worked much better and introduced the idea of fishing.
For this piece I tranformed the Nick Lepard inspired portrait by adding a Olivier Kuglar inspired background and defining by face. The disappearing image in the vanishing point and block colours are typical to his type of work but could be improved with stronger colours.

Art and Design- 'Self' Project

This was inspired by the work of portrait artist Nick Lepard as I found the strong colour pigments and brush strokes interesting. I enjoyed layering acrylic paint to form a similar effect to his and being experimental with the strokes.I was quite nervous when adding the messier areas incase I messed it up too much, in some places it could be more extravagant.